30 DoF #9-10: Cleaning Out My Closet.


As you can see, I needed a break after killing that spider. I’m deathly afraid of spiders- they’re gross and super-creepy, plus what does anything need that many eyes or legs for? Unless it is an unfortunate puppy, kitten, or small child, please keep it far away from me if it has more than 4 limbs. But I digress.

The past couple of days has been mostly housework – which, given the sheer volume of stuff in my little house, is an impressive feat in itself. I fell behind while my man was sick but, now that he’s back at work, I’m on track again- the laundry and dishes are all done, plus I cleaned the stove and still managed to get some writing done.

(Last Christmas, my mom put a magnet in my stocking that said, “housework makes you ugly”. At least she understood what I meant when I called her up and said, “hey Mom, I’m absolutely hideous today!”)

But the part that required the most effort was getting rid of the stuff in the back closet. See, my boyfriend’s ex left a bunch of her stuff here after she moved out some years ago. And, at the beginning, I thought it was weird because it felt like there was a third person in our relationship- I was like, does she think she still has a chance? But, now that we’ve been together for almost 2 years, and I’ve witnessed their odd dynamic firsthand, it’s obvious why they broke up and that I have nothing to worry about. But, once again, I digress.

I spent most of the day moving her stuff from the closet to the garage, feeling slightly apprehensive about what I might find. But, given what little I know about her, some of it is probably of personal significance and I’d feel weird about throwing it out. And perhaps that’s the fearless part of it all- I owe her no favours and, yet, this didn’t bother me in the slightest.

A few years ago, it might have gotten to me. But it seems that my older and wiser self knows how to leave the past where it belongs.

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